Cortex Labs launched Monday its AI decentralized application (DApp), independently developed by DevBug, to their mainnet. The AI DApp is called Digital Clash and has been designed as a game for users to play and earn rewards from.
Cortex Labs has brought machine learning to the blockchain ecosystem by creating the first - and currently the only - blockchain that allows realistic, on-chain execution of machine learning models.
Digital clash is a game that can be played by anyone with access to a Chrome browser and the Cortex wallet. The game is set up with two teams - red or blue - and players attempt to draw over the pixels in order to make a certain digit appear on the canvas.
The red team aims for 0-4 whereas the blue team aims for 5-9. Players can draw over the pixels by buying them and earn profits when others draw over their pixels. The more a pixel changes hands, the higher its price becomes.
The game ends when the highest priced pixel reaches 100,000 keys, or the accumulated number of pixel transactions reaches 10,000, at which point the canvas freezes and a deep learning model, trained with the MNIST handwritten digit dataset and quantized using Cortex’s MRT, decides the winning team and distributes the reward pool. One can learn the rules directly on the game page of Digital clash.
On the Cortex blockchain, AI developers can upload trained models to the storage layer, and DApp developers can later incorporate these models into their applications. Whenever the models are called, AI developers are rewarded a portion of the transaction fees. The infrastructure not only encourages the sharing of state-of-the-art AI models but also gives birth to exciting AI DApps such as the Master of Digital Clash.
The emergence of Digital Clash highlights the future of DApp development, which will feature the incorporation of more AI functionalities, taking advantage of recent progress in deep learning. This application will lessen the skepticism of combining the two hottest technologies of the day and deepen the knowledge of how they can operate and evolve together.
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